Saturday, October 9, 2010

Haralson Hurrah!

Apple Crumb Pie this time, as planned. Let's hope the pie tastes better than my crimped edges look. For the crumb pie (the original recipe is in the Star of Texas Cookbook by the Junior League of Texas) I made a crust, peeled and sliced thin 7 medium haralsons, enough to make a good mountain of apples. Sprinkled the apples with 1/4 cup sugar mixed with 1 tsp. cinnamon. Then cut 1/3 cup butter into 3/4 cup flour mixed with 1/4 cup sugar. I went lighter on the sugar than the original recipe recommends - sugar depletes B vitamins, and I can't maintain my status as a sugar nazi among my family members if I don't cut sugar everywhere possible and look disapproving when my husband eats the sugary cereal I won't let the children have.
The pie took a good 50 minutes to cook. Start at 425 degrees for 10 minutes and then lower the oven temp to 350 and bake until the apples are tender and the top is lightly browned. And with the leftover pie dough...
cheese straws like Mimi used to make (or not quite as good and more like cheese wedges than sticks/straws). Just roll out the rest of the dough, put grated cheese over half of the middle. Fold the dough in half to make a half moon shape. Seal the edges so cheese doesn't melt out and bake until crust is lightly browned and cheese is melted.

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