Thursday, October 21, 2010

composing compost

I've been waiting for the mosquitoes to die off so I could deal with my compost which looks neglected, but I think compost likes to be left alone. I know some folks turn theirs and some folks water theirs and my mom layers hers. I throw debris and kitchen scraps into whichever bin is empty and I wait, using from the bottom of my handy black bin that I bought many moons ago.
The other day, I went to use from the bottom and found that my bin was almost empty! Why that astounds and pleases me, I don't know, but it felt like an accomplishment. And it meant I could take advantage of a pleasant and mosquito-free day to move compost from the dilapidated chicken-wire bin I made myself, to the black bin with the use-from-the-bottom feature. And it made room for autumn leaves! I just hope I have more compost by spring planting time.
A third bin my be necessary.

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