Monday, October 11, 2010

compare and contrast

See the big, well formed acorn squash that might feed a family? That's from Grandma and Grandpa. The little baby acorn squash that makes but a suggestion of a snack for one person was grown by me. Must try harder next time.
I had the vine variety of acorn squash and the vine 1) took over the world and 2)got what I will call powdery mildew - whitish junk on the leaves which then withered and died.

So, I pulled the vine out and called my little half-formed acorn squash good. They aren't very sweet, but I eat them anyway and any powdery mildew that I have caught is crusting on my internal organs rather than on my outside, so that's a relief.
Next year... bush acorn squash. (And I can wish, all summer long, that the word "bush" wasn't such an uncomfortable word). Or, as per the recommendation of the in-laws, save the seeds of the two squashes they have given us and plant those next year.

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