Tuesday, October 5, 2010

the end is near ...

so I'm trying the wrap-in-newspaper-layer-in-a-box method for turning my green tomatoes red. It seems a waste to discard so much potential. Bob Flowerdew suggests green tomato chutney, but I am a little too red-blooded-american (ignorant, provincial, unsophisticated) to know what to do with chutney or be sure I'd appreciate it once the effort went into making it. So.... wrapping green tomatoes in newspaper and sticking them in a box that fits conveniently under my bed is what I plan to do with my green tomatoes. Will it work? Will I forget them and wake up one day to find my husband and I are sleeping over a mass of putridity? Time will tell.
Regarding Bob Flowerdew:
1. neither of my girls will put their hair in a braid, put on coveralls and go as Bob Flowerdew for Halloween.
2. I just mulched my young apple tree, only to read that Bob Flowerdew recommends grass under apple trees because the competition with the grass for moisture and nutrients makes the apples better keepers and the grass cushions windfalls, making the fallen apples more salvageable. Now I know. I am going to pretend like young apple trees need mulch and then by the time my tree is a well-grown, solid producer the mulch will have decomposed and the grass can have it's way with the ground.

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