Monday, September 27, 2010

New Blueberries

It was a great day at the local nursery. I got two Polaris blueberries and two Joe Pye Weeds (native!). I've only gotten the blueberries planted (the J.P.W. will require some shuffling, rearranging, etc). I put the Blueberry bushes in the bed along the fence. Polaris is a half-high variety and I hope my other varieties (can't remember what kind - Northblue, maybe and St. Cloud?) will work as pollinators. I added coffee grounds to the back-fill dirt and have cypress mulch which I hope will work as well as cedar for making the soil properly acidic to keep the blueberries happy. Some people might test their soil, but I choose guess-work and trial and error.
P.S. I am not as Minnie Pearl-ish as this photo might lead one to believe. I have taken the tags off of the blueberry bush.

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