Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I can't find my blueberries

and my sourdough starter got moldy. If I had a banjo and some musical talent, I'd set those words to song. Since I don't, I am
  1. weeding the grass and pulling the strawberries (even though it hurts) that threaten to choke out my poor miserable blueberry bushes. I can't abandon my blueberries yet - they had their best year since I planted them in spring 2007, yielding almost 20 whole berries! This spring, I mulched them with the pine needles from our dead-as-a-doornail Christmas tree. Maybe that gave them a boost. Maybe they've aged into "greatness." I just read that if their soil is not acidic enough, the bushes will yellow. And if the soil is too acidic, the bushes will die. Since mine don't yellow and don't die, I'll assume they are happy. Maybe more pine needles this spring and some mulch with compost would make them produce more.
  2. throwing out the moldy starter and looking to this site for guidance in a fresh start on starter.

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