Saturday, December 4, 2010

Can't wait to try this ...

I just got this book from the library. I'm planning to add it to my christmas wish list, too. There's no way I can bake all of these good foods in just three weeks.  Strawberry Barley Scones, Five Grain Cream Waffles, Graham Crackers, Onion Jam and Huckle Buckle all vie for first recipe to try.
I admit I haven't hunted for the flours used in the book yet. Some may be diffficult to find and some may be prohibitively priced which would put a damper on my enthusiasm.
But at first blush, this book has revived my hope for home baking. A friend and I had recently been bemoaning the demise of homemade baked goods because 1. no one takes the time to do it, 2. most of us can easily hop over to a bakery when we want a sweet treat, and 3. no one needs more sugar and refined white flour. I know these treats still use flour, which is, by nature, a refined food. And some of these recipes still use sugar. But the emphasis is on flavor, not sweetness. The author, Kim Boyce, incorporates a lot of fruits and vegetables in the recipes (sweet potato muffins, carrot muffins, quinoa and beet pancakes, pear and buckwheat pancakes). And she has used the ultimate taste-testers - her children.

I could wish that there was a photo for every recipe, but the photos that she does show are beautiful and I am so grateful to her for putting out a book that I can use to make fairly healthy treats for family and friends. She even has a recipe for a multi grain flour mix that I think would make a great gift for my friends and family members who like to bake.

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